Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine
Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

Early morning work meetings, late-night work calls, skipping meals, and sometimes even sleeping to meet deadlines keep us occupied right?

In a world, where being productive has become the norm, how many of us are taking out some time to do things that make us happy? Are we taking out time for our Self-Care? Don’t get us wrong, of course, you are enjoying the job of your dreams, but all work and no play could make Jack a dull boy!

It is of utmost importance that you take some time for self-care away from your professional life and cherish the other small things in your life that bring a smile to your face. Let us look at some ways in which you include a lot more me time in a day filled with deadlines!

Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

1. Enjoying Your Meals, Even on a Tight Schedule

Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine
Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

Having a balanced diet and eating on time are so important but it is of utmost importance for you to also savour every bite that you have. Sometimes, we eat in a rush to get back to studying or work but try taking out just maybe 15 minutes to eat slowly and savor what you are eating. Not thinking about work might just energize you when you start working again. Try to be more present when you eat, food is not meant just to give you energy but also to be cherished!

2. The Joy of Talking to Loved Ones

Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

After a tiring day of work, talking to someone you love about anything other than work is so comforting. To be able to share what is on your mind and listen to what they have to say can be the stressbuster you need. You could be cracking the worst PJs and laughing till your stomach hurts or just crying your heart out, but it helps.

We often hesitate to call up someone thinking that might be busy, of course, they could be but it is completely okay to call up a friend or someone in the family you haven’t talked to in a long time, the comfort of catching up with a dear one could be exactly what you need on a rough day.

3. 15 Minutes to Power Up Your Day!

Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine
Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

It could be putting on some music and dancing your heart out, jamming to your favorite songs, going for a walk or maybe a run, or maybe just jumping around your room or cleaning your room, or anything that involves moving around.

Breaking the monotonous routine of just sitting in one place working and getting up to move around could make all the difference. Try to break the monotony of just working, working, and working by including these power-packed activities for the adrenaline and dopamine rush to feel good about yourself and more energized.

4. Life Beyond the Scroll

Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine
Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

We know social media seems like the perfect escape to spend your free time with and it is okay to scroll but there needs to be a healthy balance. Every break that you get should not be spent indulging in reels and stories. Some alternatives for it could be walking to your favorite nearby cafe for a cup of coffee or maybe just reading a book that you have been wanting to complete for quite some time now, even if it is just a page, it could be anything that gives you joy.

A lot of screen time might give you immediate satisfaction but could lead to feelings of lethargy and just feeling tired in the long term.

5. Carve Out 'Self-Care Time' in the Early Hours

Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine
Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

There are so many of us who feel that if only we had some extra time in our day! Waking up a little early could definitely help with that. Of course, that is only if you are able to get a good 8 hours of sleep but just waking up a little early and getting enough time to see the morning view, relish a cup of tea, eat a hearty breakfast, take a long bath and do things that make you feel good about yourself – skin care, dressing up or makeup could be the perfect start to the day and immediately put you in a good mood.

6. Give In To Your Guilty Pleasure Occasionally For Self-Care

Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine
Self-Care Routine: 6 Things To Surely Add To Your Routine

There is so much guilt associated with taking some time off work , but it is absolutely okay to take time for yourself and do things that might seem like you are wasting time to others but to you, it could be an important source of joy.

It could be watching that reality show that does not make sense to others or it could be buying that cute diary that you know you are not going to write in. Be it whatever, do not ever be ashamed of loving the strange little things that make your weird little heart happy.

We keep going on and on and on, we keep working and we keep hustling with the aim of becoming better versions of ourselves, rarely realizing that spending time on our happiness and getting to know the small things that make us happy is as important for our personal growth as for our professional growth.

Like you water your plants, your mind needs water too and that is where these small things matter. We understand that there is a lot of pressure but you deserve all the love and care for the efforts you put in every single day and only you can give yourself that amount of care and love you need!

If you are struggling to deal with day-to-day challenges, try talking to a mental health professional today!


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