Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

Money Cant Buy Happiness. Is it true?

“Money cant buy happiness”- you’ve probably heard this phrase a million times. Money is a tricky question because if you don’t have it, you want more of it, and even if you do, you want to earn more of it.

We often like to save things for the present and future. We keep saving things, we cling to possessions, and try to find happiness in things that money may bring us. But where does this greed for money start and where does it finally stop?

You spend money on something with the expectation that it will satisfy you. But do you realize that everything you spend money on, such as a house, a car, clothing, a laptop, and so on, has utility value? They were designed to serve a functional purpose, not to generate happiness value.

Don’t place a happiness value on something that only serves a practical role in your life. We all make a mistake when we equate our happiness with something that has only utility value, they are made to provide service, not for happiness. We follow the bait that the world tries to offer us. If you look carefully, happiness was sitting on your table with a grin, and it arrived while you were too busy adoring others’ things to chase it.

Let’s find out what others have to say about “Money can’t buy happiness” Here are 20 money can’t buy happiness quotes that speak different minds!

Money Cant Buy Happiness Quotes

1. “Life isn’t about money, it’s about moments.”
– David Castain

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

2. “Money can’t buy happiness but neither can poverty.”
– Leo Rosten

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

3. “It is true that money cannot buy happiness but it does make it possible for you to enjoy the best that the world has to offer.” – George S. Clason

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

4.”Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.”
– Bo Derek

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

5. “It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”
– George Horace Lorimer

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

6. “Money can’t buy happiness, but it does quiet the nerves.” – Joe Louis

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

7. “Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.” – Spike Milligan

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

8. ” Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” – Bob Marley

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

9. “Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable.”
– Clare Boothe

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

10. “Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shuts down for ten years.”
– Warren Buffet

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

11. “For I don’t care too much for money, for money can’t buy me love.”
– The Beatles

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

12. “Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.”
– Jackie Mason

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

13. “Whoever said that money didn’t buy happiness was a damn fool. A damn fool who’d never been poor.”
– Tom Cooper

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

14.”They say money can’t buy happiness. But it can sure as hell solve a lot of problems!”
– Robert Rolih

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

15. “Money can’t buy peace of mind. It can’t heal ruptured relationships or build meaning into a life that has none.”
– Richard DeVos

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

16. “Money can buy things, but it can’t buy everything.”
– Frank Sonnenberg

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

17. “Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

18. “Money can’t buy happiness, but it will certainly get you a better class of memories.”
– Ronald Reagan

Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes
Money Can't Buy Happiness Quotes

After reading these “money can’t buy happiness quotes”, it’s clear that everyone has a different understanding of money and whether it can buy happiness or not. The important note is that everyone desires happiness in the end, and money can only be one of the tools to find some level of satisfaction. Many of us have constrained relationships with money, some of us might be spendthrifts and some are very cautious in managing it. To make oneself aware, there are a variety of therapies available like laughing therapy, art therapy, etc. And their goal is simple: to restore your happiness!

GoodLives calls for a paradigm change in the fundamental reality that happiness transcends material possessions. In the quest for a happy life, let’s value the intangible assets money cannot purchase. 


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