Support Circle
Support Circle

Have you ever heard about a support circle? 

You might have heard about support circles and how they work, but you may not have had the opportunity to join one. Imagine being a part of an extended family where people truly care about you, understand what you are going through, and offer you solutions—or, just listen to you talk.

Support Circles or what we call the “GoodLives Community” is nothing but a huge group of people who really believe in the importance of mental wellness. The GoodLives community consists of various kinds of people from all over the world who have joined in to understand themselves better. Are you confused about a support circle and how the GoodLives Community can benefit you? Here are 8 surprising benefits of joining the GoodLives Community!

8 Benefits of Joining the GoodLives Community

1. The Core Essence

Support Circle

There are so many kinds of people, who have different likes and dislikes and belong to different cultural backgrounds.

We don’t know what we all have been through. We don’t know how our lives have been, but the one thing that we surely know is the importance of mental wellness, and that one thing tying everyone up is the essence and the reason for being a part of the GoodLives Community and that is the essence of achieving good mental health. Therefore, every member knows and understands each other without even knowing everything about ourselves.

2. An Open Space To Talk and Listen

Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part

Sharing and communicating is the key to good mental health. When we are going through a rough patch, sharing and talking about what hurts us is very important. It is very crucial to understand that despite having our loved ones, sometimes, all we need is a group of people who have a shared motive and would acknowledge our feelings and emotions. And that is where a support circle comes into play.

It is about talking about what caused you inconvenience and getting the right support that you need, as well as, providing that support back to the people when required. Therefore, all the members get the benefit of communicating openly in an open and cohesive space which is extremely safe.

3. Creative Expression of Feelings

Anxiety Depression Motivation Self Care Team bonding Workplace Culture Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part
Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part

Sometimes, a simple “how are you?” doesn’t work as much as a creative question can. Therefore, we send in various kinds of prompts daily with the motive of encouraging active participation by all the members when they answer the prompt, which helps us to understand what they have been feeling and going through.

The prompts range from basic mental wellness questions to creative questions on movies and songs to health and lifestyle, past and future to self-care and work-life balance and so much more. Some prompts that have been sent till now are:

4. Share Your Story

Anxiety Depression Motivation Self Care Team bonding Workplace Culture Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part
Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part

Every once in a while, the members who are interested in sharing their stories, basically an experience that they would like to put out, for others to know and learn from, the Community has started a new initiative which is called the “Community Spotlight”. It is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the incredible achievements, interests, and contributions of all our valued members.

5. Regular Virtual Coffee Chats

Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part
Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part

Don’t we all like to chat about topics like traveling and failures (now, this is dicey)? In the community, we organize very frequent virtual coffee chats at least 2-3 times a month. The sessions are moderated by a GoodLives psychologist and we chat for around 2 hours easily.

Oh, do you not like coffee? No worries, you can grab a cup of tea or juice or anything you want and just join in from the comfort of your house and talk about your experience on the topic being discussed. Recently, we had a chat about our travelling stories and you won’t believe how bizarre some of them were. We had a lot of fun! Wanna be a part of this fun? Join in now!

6. Constant Emotional Support and Suggestions

Anxiety Depression Motivation Self Care Team bonding Workplace Culture Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part
Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part

A Support Circle is all about being there for each other and providing each other the support that we can. As a mental health community that advocates for the need for good mental health and as individual members who are a part of the journey toward achieving mental wellness, we receive and provide constant emotional support. The admins and moderators of the WhatsApp community are always there to provide suggestions and advice along with fellow members.

7. Exclusive Access to all Services

Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part
Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part

The community is like a family of GoodLives and every initiative that we launch is first introduced in the community. Not only initiatives that we take, but any campaign that we run, any giveaways that we do, events that we organize, and workshops that we do, meetups that we organize, are always first introduced in the community. The Whatsapp community is moderated by our professional psychologist which makes it even more easier for all the members to access mental health services.

8. A Sense of Positivity

Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part
Support Circle | GoodLives Community: Benefits of Being a Part

Knowing that you are part of a support circle where you can go and vent out or just share anything that you want, is very comforting, isn’t it? Just knowing that there are a lot of people who relate to your experiences and what you have been through and understand why you are on a journey of mental wellness fills us with positivity.

The community is nothing short of a very positive environment where people stand with each other to help each other and uplift others always. This positivity that you feel will motivate you and give you a sense of belonging that you might not feel anywhere else.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t you want to experience what being a part of a support circle feels like? Here is your exclusive chance, here is your opportunity to join a community, a support circle for free. Click here to join our community today!


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