Did you experience many “I did great” and “Ahh shit” moments in 2024? Time for some Self Care!
Getting into 2025 has been filled with a lot of regrets and some guilt maybe for not being able to achieve what we wanted to, the mistakes that we made all along the past year, our learnings, and a lot of “I did great” and “Ahh shit” moments but here we are in a brand new year which is the perfect time to start it all again. And the best part is that you can create the kind of year you want.
Our days don’t always go as we have planned, years are far beyond them, but that doesn’t mean that we stop taking care of ourselves or just stop caring about our overall wellness. As we get into this year, let us remind ourselves that even if we procrastinate for some time, we will get back and do all of our scheduled tasks within time.
Let us remind ourselves that daily stress is normal, but how we manage it is what truly matters. Finally, among many more important reminders, which we will give you as you read forward, just know that you deserve all the love and respect that you give to others. So, be ready to laugh at these memes and have some serious talk about self-care.
Here are important 2025 self-care reminders through memes. We hope that you have a good laugh and thought.
7 Important 2025 Self Care Reminders Through Memes

Me: I’m so tired, I think I need a break.
Brain: Okay, take one.
Me: But not too long or I’ll feel guilty.
Brain: Great, now you’re stressed about relaxing too.
How often do you take breaks? Before you answer, know that breaks aren’t always supposed to be taken after a long 8-hour work shift or after the most hectic 2 days. Breaks are supposed to give you 2 minutes of relaxation from the activity which you are engaged in and it can be taken every 2 hours also, or less than that because you deserve to take a moment to gather yourself any moment you want.
Take breaks, actually a lot of them so that you and your mental wellness are taken care of.

When you realize your ‘bad mood’ was just hunger all along:
‘Oops, sorry, that wasn’t depression. That was just my inner Snickers commercial.
Our mood changes all the time. This moment you’re extremely elated, and the other, you have become so cranky because of one event that happened in between, but that is fine. You can feel happiness and sadness and fear and so many other emotions that too all on the same day. But give yourself the space to feel all emotions and not just happiness.
And if you do get hangry very often, take proper meals for your mood to be a little better on some days 🙂

Self-care is important.
Me, doing self-care: buys a candle, cries next to it for ambiance.
Make 2025 all about taking care of yourself and all about taking yourself to newer heights and that is only possible if you take care of yourself and listen to your own needs. If you feel like taking a break, short or long, just be aware and accept the fact that you do and take it, for yourself.
If you feel like going for a long walk and being with nature, just do it, because your mind and body call for it.

Me: I’m totally fine.
Also me: Googles ‘symptoms of overthinking and mild existential dread.’
If you have watched the TV show ‘Friends’, you would know that Ross was a character who always answered “I’m fine” when he was asked how he was doing, but every time, he wasn’t fine. It is okay to not be okay but what matters is your accepting that you are not okay and doing something about it.
As humans, we all overthink about certain people or situations and that is fine until you are not spending all of your energy, physical and mental overthinking it the whole day. So, the next time you find yourselves overthinking about a particular thing, know that thinking it over and over again won’t change much and all you can do is just take it one moment at a time and accept that you are not okay.

Me: Sorry for bothering you.
Friend: You’re not bothering me.
Me: Sorry for saying sorry so much.
Friend: Seriously, stop apologizing.
Me: OMG, sorry again.
One thing that you should absolutely not take into the new year is your habit of saying sorry again and again when there is no necessity to say so. Most often, we keep saying sorry repeatedly because of various reasons and one of the most common ones is low self-confidence and self-belief.
Trust yourself and believe in your abilities and don’t say sorry so much where you have not made a mistake.

When you finally stand up for yourself in a calm, mature way and then spend the next three days overthinking every word you said:
‘Did I sound mean? Should I text them to clarify? What if they hate me now?
Standing up for yourself is the most important favor that you can do for yourself. No one knows you better than you do. No one knows your feelings and emotions better than you do, so look out for yourself more than ever this year because if you don’t wipe off your tears, no one else will.

Me: Treat others with kindness, they deserve it.
Also me: makes one small mistake
Brain: And that’s why you’re a complete failure.”
Therapist in my head: ‘Would you talk to a friend like that?’
And the last reminder which sums it all up is that just be kind to yourself because there will be so many mistakes that you are bound to make. You will have so many of your first this year, and that can be in anything, maybe in a relationship, or career and others, but treat yourself like you will treat a dear friend of yours.
And finally, allow yourself to absorb all the good things and all the bad things that happen to you because the emotions that you feel while accepting them will make you the person you are.
We hope that you have the best year ahead and all your wishes come true. If you feel that seeing a mental health professional would help you make your 2025 better, try talking to them.
If 2025 feels like it’s off to a rocky start, these self-care memes are here to remind you that even small steps toward well-being count.
If 2025 feels overwhelming and you’re struggling to prioritize yourself, try talking to a therapist who can guide you toward better self-care.