4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup
4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup

Do you remember your first relationship? The energy we put in, the things we do, and the love we feel for that person, are just so unconditional.

The concept of loving ourselves and being our person comes much later on as we realize the importance of peace at being with ourselves and at the same time wanting your partner. The one thing that remains constant in all our relationships after the first one, no matter how much ever we try to master the ‘art of detachment’ is the heartbreak that comes along with the relationship breakup.

No matter how toxic a relationship it is going to hurt as much as it does to let go of the greenest of green flags. The void that comes with not having that person anymore and the silences can be felt so deeply which makes the heartache.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and you have shared so much of your life with them, it is going to take much longer than you think to move on from a relationship.

4 Tips To Deal With a Relationship Breakup

1. Feel What You Are Going Through After The Breakup

4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup
4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup

It is going to be tough, days of not being able to focus on anything and days you can’t get yourself to do the simplest of things but it’s okay, wallowing is a normal way of coping. You have to allow yourself to wallow, when you give yourself enough time and the space to cope, you give yourself acceptance and that is so important.

It is okay to feel what you are feeling, grieving the absence of a person from your life and grasping the fact that they are not going to be a part of your life experiences is not the easiest thing to do!

2. Spend Time With Loved Ones

4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup

We know that all you want to do right is be alone and the last thing you want to do is spend time with people. That’s okay for some days, but try meeting those friends and family who make you feel comfortable and you don’t feel that you have to pretend around them.

Just be with them or around them, sometimes just the fact that someone is there right by your side can make the most difficult situations seem a little easier to get through. Try opening up to them about what you are going through, venting helps. Let yourself be loved and cared for, you deserve it!

3. Engaging in Hobbies

4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup

There will be a point in the process of wallowing where you feel so drained and just so empty. That is the point where you need to start doing something that makes you feel excited and gets you out of your bed. Indulging in some activity that you love is a great way to get your mind off the relationship breakup.

Not only will it give you the dopamine release you also need but also improving at something gives you the confidence boost that gives you the feeling that you can do just about anything in life.

4. Give Your Breakup Some Time

4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup
4 Tips to Deal with a Relationship Breakup

Breaking up can make you feel as though everything is falling apart. It can be extremely painful, and the idea of moving on can feel impossible. Although it may sound clichéd or overly simplistic, one of the most effective healing tools is time.

When you’re experiencing heartbreak, your feelings are real and strong. A mixture of emotions, including relief, rage, despair, and uncertainty, may be felt. These emotions are typical and a necessary component of recovery. You can completely experience and process these emotions over time.

We cannot promise you that you will completely overcome those hard feelings , but one thing is for sure: you’ll definitely feel it a little less if you give it yourself all the time you need.

Cherish the lessons learned, hold onto the good memories, and let go of what no longer serves you. The future holds endless possibilities, and in time, your heart will open up to new experiences and love again. Take it one day at a time, and remember that brighter days are just around the corner.

You are deserving of happiness, love, and peace. So, embrace the journey ahead with hope and confidence, knowing that every step you take brings you closer to the beautiful life that awaits you. Book a session with us!


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