What is the Definition of Fear of the Dark?

Did you ever have a sense of terror and alertness whenever someone switches the lights off? Can you feel your heartbeat increasing when you are in dark can’t see anything clear?
Then you may be suffering from the fear of darkness, also known as Nyctophobia. It is a common evolution of fear among young kids and also- to some degree- in adults. It is an extreme terror of night or darkness that is capable of causing intense symptoms of depression and anxiety. Nyctophobia may be evolutionary in nature, as many predators hunt at night. It is possible that the fear may not be entirely related to darkness itself, but of an unknown danger hidden in the darkness.
Did you know?
A fear becomes a phobia when it’s excessive, irrational, or impacts your day-to-day life.
How is This Phobia or Fear Generated?/Why Do We Fear the Dark?
Studies have shown that the extreme fear of darkness occurs in humans, as they feel the lack of visual stimuli. The Human brain tends to constantly try to predict what would happen next, allowing it to prepare the body and mind in the most effective way possible, not knowing what’s around them due to lack of vision makes them fear the darkness.
How to Overcome the Fear of the Dark at Night?

Top 10 recommendations to overcome your fear of the dark:
- Come up with a bedtime routine: One is highly advised to spread positivity near him/her in order to cast away all the dark emotions like fear. Listening to some soothing music, trying to stay away from electronics, or reading a calming or humorous book before bed is the various ways you can relax your mind from the torment of the dark.
- Talk about the fear: Talk to someone about your anxiety or nightmare due to fear. It makes the problem your stuffing with clear as crystal, which intern helps in resolving the core reason of your dreaded experiences in the dark. These reasons could be reasonable and unreasonable too, even as vague as possible, but that shouldn’t stop you from talking to someone and letting it out of you.
- Switch the lights on: If you experience an extreme level of fear of the dark and cannot overcome this phobia it is suggested for you to take these matters slow, don’t push yourself harder, sometimes leaving yourself some slack can also show improvement.
- Learn breathing techniques: Due to nyctophobia if you start to get a faster heartbeat or sweating palms, the best thing is not to fight it. For which you should also understand the symptoms of a panic attack. Stay where you are and simply feel the panic without trying to distract yourself. Place the palm of your hand on your stomach and breathe slowly and deeply.
Did you know?
Fear of the dark usually begins at the age of 2 to 3
- No explosion to frightening images: To control your fear first you need to master your thoughts. You should have control over what beliefs and images you portray in your head. To do so you are urged to decrease the exposure to suspense movies or books. Try to watch less violent news and tv shows. These views increase the chances of you having those images stuck in your head throughout the night ending up laughing at you in the night/dark. Which intern grows the fear.
- Nobody is perfect: Everybody’s life is full of stress and anxiety, yet many of us feel that we have to be perfect to match standards with the world. Bad days, setbacks, and fears will always occur, and it’s important to remember that life is messy.
- Visualize a happy place: Stop for a moment, take a deep breath, close your eyes and forget your surroundings. Try to imagine a safe, calm, and optimistic place. It could be anywhere, sitting at home with your family, being at your desired destination, or simply just walking your dog in the park on a sunny day. Also, try to find happiness in the little things
- Offer a transitional object: As the main audience of this anxiety is the children. They don’t know why they fear the unknown and hence, have no clarity of their feeling leaving them lonely and uncertain. A kid is advised to sleep with a stuffed comfortable animal or toy. Which provides them with comfort as well as security.
- Face your fears: If the height of your phobia is not totally extreme to a dangerous level the try to face your fears Avoiding fears only makes them scarier. If you panic when the lights go out it is good too, for some while staying a collect yourself together in the dark. If this evolution of fear in humans does not fade away and you. Still have a sense of fear and anxiety it is recommended to visit Online Counseling
- Clap for yourself: Finally, give yourself a treat. You have finally overcome the fear of the dark and now on wouldn’t have to ask yourself “how fear works” ” why fear”, or “why me”! You may also want to search evolutionary advantages of fear
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