Inside Out 2: Beautiful Things That We Learnt
Inside Out 2: Beautiful Things That We Learnt

If you are someone who hasn’t even heard about Inside Out, it is an Animated Film by Pixar, originally for children, which beautifully tries to show what emotions are and how they work. 

Inside Out 2 is the sequel of Inside Out which is based on the same theme but the second part is a little more intricate as compared to its first version. It is now Pixar’s Biggest Movie ever!

The story revolves around Riley who has grown up and is thirTEEN years old now. This movie was meant for children and teens especially but is being appreciated by adults too because of the real-world scenario that they have indirectly and so aptly captured and presented in the film.

There are a lot of things that Inside Out 2 has shown that capture what each individual goes through in his life. How different emotions catch up and have such a tight hold on ourselves. This is a very small blog about how Inside Out 2 has successfully managed to explain and express how hard emotions like anxiety and sadness work, so find yourself a calm place, sit peacefully, and read this blog as a one-on-one conversation that you are having with us and enjoy.

One-on-one conversation based on Inside Out 2

Inside Out 2: Beautiful Things That We Learnt
Inside Out 2: Beautiful Things That We Learnt

You are growing up. Each day, something changes. You learn new things. About others, about yourself. At around the age of twelve-thirteen, you are hit with puberty, which is maybe a long time back for some of you, but you develop new habits. You develop new feelings, how you think about everything changes and something that you haven’t felt till now, anxiety, embarrassment, and jealousy enter your life.

You have a new concept about yourself. You start developing a sense of self which is not only affected by how you individually perceive yourself, but also how others do. How you put yourself out, suddenly matters a lot to you. You want everyone to like you. You want everyone to pay attention to you, to what you do. In this process, you form so many beliefs about yourself, and they stem from your experiences, from what you consider as failures at that tender age, and of course from your joyful moments!

I’m very brave.
Oh, I’m a good person.
I’m not worth it.
I’m such a stupid person.
I wish I could be like her.

Anxiety starts taking control. Embarrassment starts to crawl in. To protect ourselves, to protect how we feel about ourselves, we start doing things that might not be the best for us, but we do it any which way because hey, we want to protect ourselves. The fear of what happens in the future.

The fear that no one would like me. All of it mixes up and plays a huge role in how we feel and what we do. Anxiety grabs us in such a way, that we start to bottle up our emotions, the joy, the sadness. Everything. We want to be in COMPLETE CONTROL. And this anxiety, in a way to protect ourselves bottles up our emotions. But is that right?

There is a point in the movie when anxiety messes up. (this is a spoiler of life ofc, not the movie) For Riley to come across as her best self, for her to be liked by everyone, anxiety just goes on people pleasing, to get up there. But then, while trying to get everything IN CONTROL, anxiety goes OUT OF CONTROL.

It goes into a spiral and has no idea how to stop Riley from not feeling less worthy. It’s okay to feel anxious sometimes. It is really okay if anxiety peeps in and gets you into making mistakes. But the point here is, ANXIETY CANNOT CONTROL YOU.

None of the emotions can. Not even joy. Yes, you read it right. NOT EVEN JOY. We agree that joy should be the controller because that’s the happy emotion. Joy makes you happy all the time. But, are you the person that you are today because of only the happy moments you have experienced?

Anger, disgust, fear, the moments when you have been sad, you need all of them to be the person you are today. And surprisingly, a little bit of anxiety, embarrassment, envy, and WEE-WEE too. (who’s wee-wee now? Watch the movie and you’ll know it) TO GET YOU ALL POWERED UP, a little bit of all emotions is necessary.

So, you are meant to feel all of your emotions, even the hard ones. Your emotions are just yours. Take good care of them, and you are good to go. Also, if you have watched the movie, didn’t you look at the character- sadness and went all aw, because she is the sweetest and the cutest-looking character ever? Didn’t you want to hug her? Didn’t you want to tell anxiety to calm down and just sit with her, to make her feel at peace? Didn’t you want to tell Envy that you are great the way you are?

THE BEST PART IS THAT they are all emotions and you have them too, so the next time you feel sad, hug yourself, and be as gentle to your sadness, as you would be with her character.

If you are unable to deal with anxiety or emotions in general, try talking to a mental health professional and do watch this movie for sure 🙂


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