Online Icebreakers
Online Icebreakers

Have you ever wondered how would you greet a fellow employee on your first day, and what would you talk about, after the first hello?

Not knowing much about your fellow employees’ interests, what they like/dislike, and how they are in person, can make it challenging to hold a conversation. After all, first impressions always count, and awkward silences surely are something that we dread.

Most of us have encountered a very difficult situation where we don’t know how to react to our first day in the office or what to say exactly. Most of us get scared when we have to join a Zoom meeting and keep our cameras on when we don’t know anyone. Therefore companies should make it easier for the freshers by organizing quick and engaging ice-breaking activities.

Ice-breaking sessions not only make it easier for the employees to converse with each other but also give them a good start to bonding with each other. In this article, we have included 6 fun Zoom icebreakers for you to introduce in the next Zoom call!

1. Ice Breakers with Riddles

Online Icebreakers
Online Icebreakers

Try to answer quickly, come on!

No matter how little or how much you use me, you change me every month. What am I?
It’s a calendar! Did you guess the correct answer?

Riddles are entertaining and smart questions that need some kind of mental effort to solve. They are neither so simple that you don’t need to think at all nor so difficult that you won’t be able to solve them. They are the perfect amount of entertainment with some mental effort and so much more fun.

Riddles are a fantastic icebreaker, so gather or make some up and throw them at the employees to cheer them up and have a great time!

Here are some riddles for you:

  • What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner? It’s a STAMP!
  • What kind of room has no doors or windows? Don’t know? It’s a MUSHROOM!
  • What can travel all arouI have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I? I AM A MAP!
  • What belongs to you, but everyone else uses it? It’s YOUR NAME, DUH!
  • 2. Funny Nostalgia

    Online Icebreakers
    Online Icebreakers

    Don’t we all have very funny stories from our childhood? Like an embarrassing story or a silly story about your parents telling you, how a child is born? Or how everyone used to pronounce your names in the worst possible manner and still do?

    Funny stories from childhood will definitely make employees laugh. Sharing amusing childhood stories will not only make them laugh but also develop bonds among them. Therefore, it is a great ice-breaking and team-building activity.

    To start this, employees can be asked to get a photo of themselves and can be asked to share the story behind that photo!

    3. Induce Hypothetical situations

    Online Icebreakers
    Online Icebreakers

    Another great ice-breaking activity is putting employees in a hypothetical situation and then discussing it. E.g., let your employees think about these- Imagine being an astronaut rather than an employee at your current place of work, or that you were Tesla’s owner.

    Discussing hypothetical situations will surely make their heart beat a little faster. It will be an entertaining activity, especially when they do it with their work colleagues.

    To begin with, you can hold a random discussion where you talk about the great personalities and what they have achieved. You can talk about how different they were and how unimaginable it is. Then you can get into giving hypothetical situations to your employees.

    4. Guess The Song From The Tune

    Online Icebreakers
    Online Icebreakers

    Have you tried Karaoke on a Zoom call? Let’s add a twist, to it. Instead of singing the lyrics, people have to guess the song from the tune!

    This can be another very fun and engaging Zoom icebreaker. Playing a song’s tune and challenging the employees to identify the song while listening to the tune only. It might seem like a very easy game, but mind you, it’s not as easy as it seems. Some songs have very similar tunes which can get confusing. To make it more difficult, try playing tunes from older songs!

    5. Origami Paper Craft

    Online Icebreakers
    Online Icebreakers

    Have you ever made small craft items out of origami sheets? If not, you are missing out on the fun! Craft-making is typically not something we have time for as adults, but it is a fantastic way to break the ice because it allows everyone to relive their younger selves. You don’t need much for this, just a packet of origami sheets. You can create flowers, a mini boat, birds, etc.

    6. What’s Your Go-To?

    Online Icebreakers
    Online Icebreakers

    Don’t we all watch our comfort show or listen to our comfort song whenever we’re feeling down? Isn’t that movie and song our go-to ones?

    Each one of us has our go-to movies, shows, series, person, food, etc. Therefore, chatting about your go-to’s is a great way to break the ice. You might also find it intriguing to share and listen to why it is your go-to.

    Icebreakers serve as a way to introduce individuals to each other, create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and help people feel more comfortable and connected. Icebreakers can also be used to set the tone for a meeting or event, establish common ground, and promote open communication. By breaking down barriers and creating a sense of unity, icebreakers can increase participation, engagement, and collaboration among participants.

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