Online Games
Online Games

Have you played “Who’s more likely to?” with your friends or colleagues on a zoom meeting?

What about playing charades with your teammates on your favorite movies?

Online games have become increasingly popular as a means of team building, relaxation, and stress relief for HR professionals during breaks or after work. Additionally, these games can improve teamwork and communication skills, boost morale, and increase productivity. Are you considering ways to improve engagement at work?

Check out our article on fun and quirky employee engagement activities!

Have you heard that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? Well, this is true for our work setups as well. Working continuously and depriving employees of any enjoyment drains a person’s energy and demotivates them, which leads to disengagement and they tend to become unfocused. Therefore, fun games and activities should be organized regularly to keep the employees engaged in their work by creating a flexible schedule where they can work and have fun together.

The term “playing online games to promote employee engagement” refers to more than only playing specialized, technically advanced games; it also refers to playing any enjoyable and entertaining game. At the end of the day, we enjoy playing games, and when a variety of games are played regularly, we look up to them and wait for those fun nights.

Engaging in online games regularly leads to better team bonding among employees, creates enthusiasm, motivates them, and allows them to believe that their companies care for them and their well-being which further increases engagement in the workplace.

1. Online Games - Who Is More Likely To?

Online Games
Online Games

Who is more likely to is a game that people of all ages enjoy playing. People like to sit together and play this game to know who is more likely to do things, say things, etc. It will be too much fun to get to know everyone, particularly among coworkers.

Some Who is More Likely to questions can be, Who is more likely to be the workaholic? Who is more likely to be the worst dressed at a party? Who is more likely to embarrass themselves in front of a large crowd? And many more!

2. Quiz Competiton On Your Company And Workplace

Online Games
Online Games

This can be a great game to increase employee engagement in your workplace. Quizzes on various interesting topics can also be organized, but, this quiz competition should only include questions related to your company and your particular workplace/branch.

Quizzes bring everyone into a very competitive spirit, plus a quiz based on the knowledge about the core values of the company will not only be fun for the employees but also enhance their knowledge about the company they are working in. The difficulty level of the quiz can increase with every level allowing employees to get into the spirit. To increase participation, there can be gift vouchers for the winners.

3. What If You Were The Boss

Online Games
Online Games

Imagine you are the boss and have the power of dictating rules and regulations for one whole day!

Did you start fantasizing and wish that you could do that right now? Wish Granted! In a zoom meeting, each employee, turn by turn, can get the chance to talk about their fantasy day being ‘the boss’. They can change any and every rule possible and dictate to employees however he/she wants. This can be a very fun and engaging game because the employee is getting the opportunity to decide how the office will function for one whole day.

4. Be The First Person to Get It

Online Games
Online Games

Don’t we all like to play games where we have to be quick enough to win? Surely we do. We all like that sudden rush within ourselves.

This game is all about you being as quick as possible. In this game, the host has to say a letter, and the employees must get any item (literally anything) that begins with that particular letter as quickly as possible. E.g., if the host says the letter, ‘P’, the employees can get a Paint Tin, Pringles, Polaroid camera, Pant, Pin, and anything they can find the quickest. The catch is that the employee who brings the item first wins that round.

Various rounds can be played till employees are tired and cannot run around their houses anymore. To make the game difficult, a tiny twist can be made where employees have to get only those items that are somehow related to work. E.g., If the host says the letter, ‘L’, a laptop can be brought, or if the host says the letter, ‘P’, a paperweight can be brought.

5. Just 3 Things

Online Games
Online Games

To come back to work after a relaxing and slow weekend seems the last thing that we want to do every single time. Monday blues are real and although there isn’t much we can do about them, we can surely welcome back the employees in high spirits with sort of an icebreaker. To slowly ease into the work, this game can be a weekly tradition where each one of the employees has to describe their weekend or mood in three adjectives, 3 foods they are craving right now, or 3 places they would want to be in right now.

This will surely comfort and relax them before getting back to the 9 to 5 hectic schedule for the week. Employers need to make the workplace feel like a safe and happy place and this icebreaker will surely bring that fun and positive energy.

6. Pitch Your Startup

Online Games
Online Games

You must have watched the reality show called ‘Shark Tank’ where people come and present their innovative start-up ideas in front of a variety of business tycoons and fantasize about doing that yourself. Pitch Your Startup can be an online mini version of Shark Tank where employees get the opportunity to present their innovations related to work.

This would not only bring joy to everyone but also improve critical thinking, analytical skills, and much more. To make it more fun, employees themselves can judge the ideas of each other and give feedback. You never know if you have come up with a million-dollar product yourself!

When companies make arrangements for employees to engage in various online games, it enhances their personal and professional skills and allows employees to collaborate with their colleagues. Although playing online games solo is an option, playing alongside colleagues gives them a chance to interact outside of the context of their jobs leading to bonding on a personal basis. Playing online games is not the only option to increase employee engagement, but it is one of the most different and powerful ways of increasing engagement.

Want to implement effective ways to engage employees on a regular basis? Check out this comprehensive plan!


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