Behavioral change is an important aspect of life. Sometimes, we change to grow, and sometimes other factors in life cause us to change. Either way, a person has to go through various situations that can cause some behavioral changes that become an integral part of personality. Change is not easy, but it’s not that hard to acquire the personality that you desire at any stage of life.
“Do you want to improve your personality?” If yes, you can start finding things that will help you enhance your personality and improve the quality of life you are living.
What is Behavioral Change?
Behavioral change refers to any transformation or modification of human behavior. It can be voluntary changes or involuntary. Involuntary behavior changes are an indication of mental health concerns. Each person’s personality changes from day to day, depending on the situation. For example, if you are behaving in an unusually aggressive or euphoric manner, which is noticeable by yourself or others, is a matter of deliberation.

1. Confused Thinking
A disturbance of consciousness is referred to as confusion. Being less alert or overly alert are significant symptoms of confusion. Slow or inappropriate thinking can be seen as signs of confusion. For example, confused people often find it difficult to focus on simple questions and seem slow to respond. Slurred speech can also be caused due to confusion.
2. Delusions
Some people hold fixed false beliefs that conflict with reality. Misinterpretation of actual perceptions and experiences often leads to delusions. For example, some people think that the lyrics of a song or the content of a newspaper article contain messages that refer specifically to them.
3. Disorganized speech or behavior
Disorganized speech refers to speech that does not contain the expected logical connections between thoughts or between questions and answers. For example, people may start another thought without even finishing the first one. Disorganized behavior refers to abnormal behavior such as masturbating or undressing in public or shouting for an inappropriate reason.
4.Frequent emotional outbursts (crying or being angry)
Frequent emotional outbursts refer to strong or exaggerated feelings of being sad(crying) or angry. It can also be considered as outbursts of rage, periods of mania or depression, and being unresponsive or apathetic.
Seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, or experiencing things that aren’t there is referred to as hallucination. The most prevalent type of hallucination is auditory hearing in which people hear voices commanding them to do something.
Mental health conditions that may be a sign of mental health issues are:
Excessive worrying
Feeling irritated
Emotional outbursts
Aggressive or violent behavior
Panic attacks
Extreme shifts in mood
These are major symptoms of anxiety. If you find any of these behavioral changes in your personality or know anyone facing any of these mental health challenges, kindly visit a psychiatrist or psychologist for a mental health checkup.
You can also test yourself and seek help through online counselling with Goodlives >
7 Stages of Behavior Change Theory
There are many behavior change models and practices. Different behavioral change theories state that the impacts of behavioral change on personality may differ for each person. According to Transtheoretical Model, behavioral change often takes place in seven stages:
Precontemplation: People are often found unaware of the problem.
Contemplation: People become aware of their condition and deliberately take an initiative to make a change in their behavior.
Preparation: After realizing the problem, patients may research it and take initial small steps.
Action: Major steps might be taken by the individuals toward the treatment of behavioral change.
Maintenance: People maintain the new behavior consistently after taking an initiative.
Relapse: The individual finds it difficult to maintain new behavior and comes back to their old habits. He or she may experience frustration.
Termination: People at this stage do not want to return to their unhealthy behaviors.
What is Behavioral Therapy?

Behavioral Therapy can be defined as a wide range of techniques used to alter abnormal behaviors. The main goal is to strengthen desirable behaviors and remove unwanted habits.
How Behavioral Therapy Can Help in Treatment of Behavioral Change?
Behavioral therapy focuses on the problem and is action-oriented. It can be used to address particular mental health concerns such as anger management and stress management.

Benefits of Behavioral Therapy
Behavioral therapy is widely used and found to be effective in the treatment of many behavior changes.
Recent research has shown that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is most effective for the treatment of:
Anger issues
Somatic symptom disorder
Substance abuse and relapse prevention
In addition, behavioral therapy may also help people with the following:
Coping strategies
Healthier thought patterns
How online counselling will help in the treatment of behavioral change?

After knowing much about behavioral change and its treatment a patient must say, “Yes, I want to change my behavior”. You don’t need to worry about reaching an expert psychologist who will help you find out the symptoms of behavioral change and its treatment. Our online counselors are here to discuss the problem you are facing.
GoodLives aims at spreading awareness about mental health issues and their treatment through 1 on 1 therapy. Online counseling is available in multiple languages. It will help you in the treatment of behavioral change and related mental health disorders. Our expert therapists will provide you with the required emotional support during the therapy. They will help you to share your experiences more confidently.
Take your step towards emotional well-being today and learn more about behavioral therapy. Click here to reach out to us!