Ways to practice gratitude
Ways to practice gratitude

We are living in unprecedented times. With the onset of the pandemic, it has become absolutely difficult to leave worries aside and deal with the ebbs and troughs of life.

Holding on to positive thoughts is becoming an everyday challenge. The widespread negative news has only added to the thoughts of what is wrong with the world around us.


Gratitude simply implies appreciating and being thankful.

Ways to practice gratitude
Ways to practice gratitude

It can hugely contribute to our mental wellness and help us stay optimistic. To endure mental strength one should be grateful for the things we have.

The most effective yet very simple way of leading a happier life is to take out a few moments, a few minutes to think about things we are blessed with & can be grateful for.

4 Most Effective Ways to Practice Gratitude

Even in these hard times, we can express gratefulness and find a few things that can make us happy.

  1. Grateful For your Loved Ones
  2. Self-Exploration
  3. Making gratitude a Habit
  4. Communicate and Seek Help

Grateful For your Loved Ones

Ways to practice gratitude

Those few precious moments that we got to spend with our families after so many years. The time when we made Dalgona coffee, new dishes & all the things we’ve been waiting to do for many years.

Expressing thankfulness can create a huge impact on your relationships. Being grateful can lift our mood, cheer us up & motivate us to live another day with the hope that this shall too pass.

“Always have an attitude of gratitude.”
– Sterling K. Brown”


Ways to practice gratitude
Ways to practice gratitude

Gratitude starts with self. Reflecting upon our day can help us to acknowledge what we do for ourselves and be grateful for it.

Take a moment & look around in your everyday routine. You can try preparing a gratitude list.

  1. think about 3 things that made you happy recently
  2. think about 2 people who stayed close to you during this lockdown
  3. jot down 5 activities you did during this lockdown with your family

Just a few words of self-appreciation and moments of self-exploration about our thoughts can pause all insecurities, and anxieties, and bring a smile to your face. Being content with yourself is being grateful for every little thing you do for yourself.

Making Gratitude a Habit

Ways to practice gratitude

Gratitude can be made a habit. We can focus on the things we are grateful for about 5-10 mins before going to bed or after just waking up. Try doing it for about a week, & the impact that it makes in your life.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
– Will Durant

Communicate and Seek Help

Many times we feel burdened by the problems of life and talking to someone about it helps a great deal. If you find it difficult to talk to your immediate friends and family, multiple online platforms can guide you in your emotional journey.

GoodLives is providing services with the best of experts and makes them very affordable. If you feel hesitant, you can even sign up for our music, art, or group therapy that helps in self-exploration and feeling gratitude towards things in life.

Want to know how Group Therapy works? Know more about it here.

Amidst the pandemic, people are feeling stuck and anxious. More of these deeper emotions can be troubling people but can be understood by the right therapist. Not only the right therapists will understand your actual mental state but can also help practice gratitude.

The financial crisis is also one of the factors contributing to these emotions. But no worries! GoodLives is making therapy affordable.

Ways to practice gratitude
Ways to practice gratitude

You can book your first session here.

We provide free sessions to those who cannot afford to pay for themselves. Our free sessions are one of the many ways we want to express our gratitude toward everyone who is supporting us through these tough times.

And maybe you can as well by donating these free sessions to anyone in need, and we will provide them on your behalf.

Ways to practice gratitude

You can donate sessions here.

We shall overcome this together. There is more to life than complaining about the situation we are in. Let’s make our lives better by practicing gratitude.

You can reach out to us on our Facebook or Instagram handle.


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